Our Purpose

As one of the best private schools in the Chicago suburbs, we prepare students with a challenging education that requires them to think critically, communicate effectively and engage fully in their intellectual growth and personal development. In doing so, they become self-confident, ethical citizens of the world who embody our motto, "Live and Serve."

Our Promise

When we were founded in 1919, North Shore Country Day (NSCD) was the visionary answer to a fundamental question:

What matters most when educating a child? Continually refining our answer to that question and evolving our program propels us forward with purpose and passion.

Our Pillars


Consistently building bridges within and beyond our diverse JK-12 community helps us understand ourselves, each other and our world.

Two students work together on a science project in the Upper School lab.


Truly knowing our students allows us to challenge and support them as individual people and learners. 


There are no spectators at NSCD. Active participation in academic, artistic, athletic and service activities promotes the adaptive intellectual and emotional skills we value.


We push our students to participate widely and take risks regularly, ensuring they stretch, explore, stumble and grow. In doing so they discover their passions and strengths, developing critical skills that carry them successfully into college and beyond.


Dedicated Faculty

Authentic and engaging adults are the lifeblood of any good school. North Shore actively recruits and retains excellent educators who prioritize "knowing" their students in and outside the classroom. Building relationships and trust between teachers and students is essential to good teaching and learning. 


Intentional Design

Our curriculum is designed to stimulate and challenge each learner. Content is a vehicle for skill development with a focus on critical and creative thinking, intercultural competence, communication and reflection.


A Culture of Collaboration

Our students are asked to know themselves in relation to each other. An emphasis on group work and project based learning provides ample practice of cultural competencies and communication skills.


Participation is Required

Evidence in a variety of fields shows the significant impact of late specialization. North Shore ensures that each student grows through participation in a range of activities both in and outside the classroom. This is why we call our offerings co-curricular not extra as they are core to the process of identity formation.